Brotherhood Restored Curriculum

At Brotherhood Restored, we run a semester-long programming curriculum for mentees that centers around our 4 pillars: Identity, Community, Purpose, and Action. We break our curriculum into a secession of series dedicated to each of our pillars. During each series, mentees and mentors get to explore the meaning of each pillar in their lives and develop tangible steps to become stronger people, leaders, and members of their communities. Towards the end of every series, Brotherhood Restored comes together for a celebration and call-to-action; celebrating how far they’ve come while casting vision for how far they’ll go.


Identity Series

During our Identity series, mentors and mentees get to explore themselves and their place in the world by encouraging openness and vulnerability, deconstructing societal paradigms of manhood, and helping them identify their unique gifts and talents.

Sample Lesson Topics: Vulnerability Day, Emotional Intelligence, Creating a Life Map, Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses


Purpose Series

In our Purpose Series, we empower our young men to pursue purpose by broadening their perspectives of the world and introducing them to a wide range of education, career, and community leadership opportunities. Leveraging the robust professional networks our mentors are a part of, we offer our young men access to spaces and opportunities not found elsewhere.

Sample Lesson Topics: Present Self versus Hoped for Self, The Ideal Wednesday, Legacy Building, Career Assessment

Community series

In this series, we discuss the makings of our various communities and our roles in them. We seek to facilitate positive interactions among young men and the community by developing relevant programs/events that encourage participation, collaboration, unity, and activism.

Sample Lesson Topics: Who is your Village?, My Block/My Hood/My City, Creating a Virtual Protest, Engineering Social Solutions


Action Series

During the summer months, we launch our young men into the Action Series where we enable them to put key learnings into practice and establish meaningful networks by securing summer study, internship, and service programs aligned to their unique passions and skill sets. We believe that coupling our enriching curriculum with practical experiences inspires our young men to reach higher.

Sample Events: Being the Solution, Mentor Job Shadowing, Brotherhood Restored Service Day